Chapter 592: Holy War

While bluntly refuting Anliya's words,

The Holy Envoy, dressed in a platinum-colored robe, slowly raised her hand and removed the white mask that hid her face.

The exquisitely delicate and luxurious face beneath was revealed in front of Anliya.

With red lips and white teeth, hair black as raven wings, her emerald-green eyes shimmered like exquisite gems, and her full lips resembled blooming peach blossoms. Her graceful figure was like a masterpiece from a divine artist's brush. Her short aqua hair, pinned up neatly, added to her elegance and nobility.

"If we really follow your plan, Northern Queen, the Red Leaf Imperial Family will undoubtedly be doomed. No, not just Red Leaf Imperial Family, the entire empire will fall into an abyss from which there is no return."

The holy envoy's emerald eyes showed a hint of disdain as she spoke.

"Nora... you... what nonsense are you spouting?!"