Chapter 601: Growing Unease

"A birthday party?"

Hearing Yumo's words, Yuan'er brightened up instantly, her little face beaming with excitement.

"Yes! Yes! Yuan'er loves lively events!!"


Seeing her daughter so thrilled, Yumo smiled warmly:

"If Yuan'er likes it, that's great then. I will organize a grand party for you in the Winter Forest."

"Will grandpa and grandma come?"

"Of course, they will. Don't worry about them. I'll make sure they can come to the eastern part of the forest safely. The Abyssal Demons nearby will be very well-behaved."

Sensing the concern in Yuan'er's eyes, Yumo reassured her with a smile.

Assured by Yumo's promise, Yuan'er became even more elated and cuddled up in her mother's embrace:

"Hehe~, thank you, Mommy~"


Gently patting Yuan'er's back, Yumo looked thoughtful for a moment: