Chapter 608: Brushing Shoulders with the Grim Reaper FIxed

'What's happening?!'

Witnessing everything before her, Huiming, the Church's sacred beast, was shocked beyond measure, frozen like a half-cut log.

Staring doubtfully at the scene, her gaze fixed on the withered corpse on the ground.

'Kael Korod?'

'That bastard, Is Dead, just like that?'

Huiming's brain went dumb as shit.

In her eyes, although Kael was a damn bastard, an undeniable piece of living trash, she had to admit his fucking strong power. This asshole ranked at the top among humans, even capable of fighting those at the peak of the Demon kings like Sword Demon and Inferno.

'This mighty bastard, just crushed casually by that black-haired girl?'

'This 'Blood Butterfly' girl, is she even more powerful than that Higanbana? When did the Abyssal Demons get such a terrifying new player?!'

Huiming couldn't believe what she was seeing, doubting her own eyes.
