Chapter 619


The new Son of Destiny is coming to them?

Getting such a convenient opportunity without any effort? Would they be that lucky?



Having done many bad things, the Black Rose family is unlikely to have such good luck.

Although it was a belief without scientific basis, more of a metaphysical saying, Xiao found himself surprisingly in agreement with this idea and nodded slightly in acknowledgment of Wanya's explanation:

"Hehe, true. We can't be that lucky."

Of course,

Xiao, who was usually rational, cautious, and stable, couldn't outright deny his own suspicions just because of a metaphysical saying. The main reason he abandoned his bold guess was due to his trust in Wanya. After all, Wanya was the one who accompanied him to the Winter Forest back then, along with Lady Yumo. She was his childhood friend, his right-hand person.

The reliability of Wanya had deeply imprinted itself in Xiao's heart.