Chapter 622: Spirit Coffin

After receiving the message from Philipp, Mengxi didn't say much. With the help of Bai Yanluo, she quickly organized her dress. Alongside Philipp and a group of Holy Knights, they left the hospital area.

Regarding the Pope's decision to summon Mengxi at this moment, Bai Yanluo expressed strong dissatisfaction with crossed arms.

After all,

In her view, her best friend had just experienced a battle with both the Sword Demon and the Demon Dragon and was currently in an extremely weakened state. It was quite challenging to send Mengxi to the main church to meet the Pope at this time.

Although Bai Yanluo was unwilling, as an Apostle, she didn't have the right to resist orders from Kail.

The only thing she could do was to grumble while swinging her sword at a nearby pile of rocks.

Impotent rage indeed.


Compared to Bai Yanluo's displeasure, Mengxi seemed much more indifferent.