Chapter 641: Speculations about the Holy Tower

An hour earlier,

Under the arrangement of Second Prince Amon, a group of mages from the Holy Tower were resting in the luxurious suites of the Purple Gold Embassy, taking a break to relieve the exhaustion from their journey. Of course, as a Divine Mage, Nolan didn't have the ordinary human frailties.

Instead of being exhausted like the other mages and falling asleep immediately, he thoroughly enjoyed a bout of wine, meat, and beauties.

Although as a Divine Mage and one of the four giants of Holy Tower, Nolan was far from having highbrow tastes.

After having his fill of food and venting his desires comfortably, Nolan stretched lazily and slowly got up from the pile of women.

Lighting a cigarette and donning his coat,

Nolan leisurely pushed open the door and entered the living room.