Chapter 654: Excitement

Actually, there was another very important reason for Mengxi to stop. She felt hesitant about whether to go all the way and take down Yumo in one step.

Mengxi was a very sensitive girl. She could see that Yumo's series of actions contained a hint of reluctance. Although she said she was "rewarding" herself with her mouth, there was still some resistance and confusion.

Clearly, Yumo was not mentally prepared.

But it was also normal. For the simple-minded Yumo, letting their relationship jump from holding hands and kissing straight to the final step... The leap seemed a bit too big.

Should she still respect Yumo?

Wait until her heart fully accepts it and is willing?

In any case,

This time, the goal of making Yumo realize her position had already been achieved~


Just like that, Mengxi was conflicted about whether she needed to stop at the right point.
