Chapter 724: The Excited Wolf Cub  

"Ahhhhhh … so boring…"


At this moment, in a quiet little grove within the Black Rose family's territory.


A white-haired girl wearing an expensive royal court dress, looking charming and lovely, was resting here.


Although the girl appeared to be an elegant young lady, her actions were completely devoid of grace.


At this moment,


The girl was leisurely lying on the grass, her long, fair legs joyfully swinging. With the movement of her legs, her skirt fluttered about, indiscreetly revealing more than intended~


At this time, the etiquette instructors of the Black Rose, several bigwigs, were not present. Otherwise, they would have been infuriated by the girl's behavior to the point of a brain hemorrhage.


And lamenting what sins they must have committed in their past lives to be saddled with such a problematic student this time around.

