Chapter 742: A new Doughter????


"Ahhh, my head... it hurts so much..."


"Cough, cough, cough!"


Accompanied by a bout of coughing, Sebastian gradually pulled his consciousness back to reality from his stupor. Rubbing his eyes, the old butler managed to barely open them.


Almost the instant he opened his eyes, Sebastian felt something was off with his body.


Confused, he hurriedly sat up and carefully inspected his body.




The old butler was surprised to find that the wounds on his body, incurred during the battle with the beasts of Sky City and in the fight against Heidely, now appeared to be completely healed. At first glance, his body seemed as if it had never gone through the previous battle.


Yet, the torn clothes and the dense bloodstains on them told Sebastian that what had happened was not a dream.


His external injuries must have been healed by someone.