Chapter 830: Farewell



"Sister, no, don't go..."






As this voice entered her ears, Yumo was stunned for a moment, and her ruby-colored gem-like eyes were filled with astonishment.


The owner of this voice was undoubtedly Mengxi.


In Yumo's view,


Even though she had helped Mengxi replenish a large amount of soul power, this girl still needed some time to adapt. It would take at least a week or so for her to wake up at the earliest.


Unexpectedly, she was already conscious now?


As expected of the chosen one, always full of surprises.


Yumo's heart was a little flustered.


After all,


The culprit who injured Mengxi to this extent was none other than herself. Feeling guilty, Yumo didn't quite know how to face Mengxi.