Chapter 838: Who Does the Heavens Spare?


"So, who wants to go first~?"

Yumo gently raised the feather duster in her hand and smiled kindly.

At this moment, as if to match its owner's intentions, the feather duster took the initiative to release waves of terrifying bloody aura. In an instant, the temperature in the conference room plummeted. Upon sensing that cruel bloody aura, the long-buried fears hidden deep within everyone's hearts were once again awakened. Although the feather duster had not yet fallen upon their buttocks, they could already feel a tingling pain.

Except for Sebastian, who was crouching with his head in his hands and a guilty expression, everyone else felt as if the Grim Reaper had grabbed them by the throat, making it difficult to breathe.

Standing at the entrance of the conference room, Limo, although not quite understanding what her mother had just said, saw her smile vanish instantly upon the appearance of the feather duster, replaced by genuine fear.