Chapter 857: Absorbing Energy

In a hidden underground ruin within the territory of the small central nation of Ancita Continent - the Maple Leaf Principality, hundreds of church followers dressed in white Asumos Church attire and holding torches were quickly shuttling through the narrow and ancient-looking ruin tunnels. The bright torchlight not only illuminated the dark tunnels but also reflected the faces of the followers, which were filled with fanaticism and excitement.

As time passed, one of the elderly church followers couldn't hold back his excitement and asked the young brown-haired man leading the way in front, "Little Vic, how much longer until we can see the Goddess?"

Hearing the middle-aged man's inquiry, the man named Vic continued to walk quickly while turning his head back helplessly:

"Soon, very soon, Uncle Mosan. We'll be able to see the Goddess very soon. At that time, the Goddess will give you her blessing and help you cure your lung disease."