Chapter 865: Shocking News

While feeling puzzled, Kain also noticed an extraordinary point.

That is, the majestic ancient building standing in the center of the deserted island? How did it disappear?!

Such a large palace, how could it just vanish?! Where did it go?

Regarding this, Kain was completely baffled.

But now, he had no time to think about these questions. Whether it was why the other party looked so similar to the empress of the Church Nation, or where that building had gone to?

Facing the black-haired girl's inquiry, Kain had to do his utmost to show his value.

Otherwise, who knows if he would be thrown back into that deadly abyss in the next second.

In order to survive, after enduring the pain and sitting up from the ground, Kain tremblingly looked at the black-haired girl:

"So, what do you want to ask about?"

"Emm, it's actually very simple. I just want to ask about some things that have happened recently on the Ancita continent."