Chapter 872: Unusual Energy

"If you don't talk, I'll let you know what it means to beg for life but unable to die."

Tightly grasping the neck of the man in front of him, Pierre said coldly. The suffocating killing intent, like a sharp sword, gradually condensed around Pierre's body, as if ready to cut the enemy in front of him into a thousand pieces at any time.

Undoubtedly, Pierre's mood was very bad right now.

The reason was also very simple. He was working overtime during his vacation again!

In the past few years, in order to help Aya control the Holy Lomari Empire, eliminate dissidents, and protect the weak chicken-like Aya, Pipi had gone to great lengths, working overtime day and night to accompany Aya. Now that the restless forces within the Holy Lomari Empire had basically been eliminated, after a year, he could finally leave Aya's side and go back to spend time with his sisters.