Chapter 874: Growing Arrogance

The elves, one of the most ancient races on the Ancita Continent, were once synonymous with strength and prosperity. However, the sun cannot always hang high in the sky; there will eventually be a time for it to set. In the past nearly a hundred years, with the passing of the older generation of powerful elves, the strength of the elven race inevitably began to decline.

And with the rise of a group of greedy human scum, the elven race entered its darkest and most desperate moment.

The once noble race completely fell into an object of exploitation and humiliation by the Black Rose family. In the past nearly a hundred years, they had tasted all kinds of humiliation. Being exploited and squeezed dry day and night, yet still having to greet them with a smile. It could be said they lived an extremely stifled life.

If those powerful elven ancestors saw how cowardly their descendants had become, who knows what they would think?