Chapter 906: Appearing Weak on the Outside, but in Reality...

In the region bordering the northern part of the Sadik Empire and the Elven Forest, a magnificent and spectacular building resembling a combination of a castle and a tower stood tall on the flat Rochester Plain. Its majestic aura, soaring straight into the clouds, along with the nine steaming magical cannons floating around the tower, made the travelers passing by in their carriages feel the urge to kneel and submit.

This extraordinarily imposing building was none other than the current holy land of magicians on the continent - the Fata.

After the Holy War six years ago, the Holy Tower, having lost all its supremacy, existed in name only. Under Xiao's manipulation, the Red Moon Tower, with the help of the Black Rose Family, quickly swallowed up the forces of the Holy Tower and even absorbed all the necromancers who attempted to rebuild the Void Spirit Tower. Eventually, the three factions merged into one, re-establishing the Fata.