The Broken Prince I

It had been Eight Days since Reina had started her concoction, infusing Mana into the cauldron. The Power of Yin fluttered the region, devouring power from the moon and snow. Her once pale blue hair was a river of cardinal(red). Stained by her infernal lineage, two pale silver eyes shone a deep focus on the cauldron. They were cold, devoid of emotion.

The Blood Red flame dimmed beneath her control, drawing the infusion of Red Moss, Scrava, Milviota, Death Root, and more. Sheens of sweat dotted her serine figure, leaving her breathless. A rosy flush raced over her plump cheeks as her eyes glowed a vibrant hue. She'd grown this past year, whether it was her height or her assets growing in size. Renia had lost many immature aspects, gaining a womanly figure.