Search and Destroy I

"You think Ren will get the nibbles like you?" Reina asked piggyback riding on her Prince out of the hotel room and down the elevator to the ground floor. "I hope so. That way, you can call me Ren, Queen of the Nibbles." 

"You're an idiot." Altair laughed, walking off the elevator into the lobby, where the sight of Nia greeted him. 

Leonie Cross unconsciously shook the moment their eyes met, recalling the spiritual pressure that ate at her that night, for which Altair was apologetic but not enough to articulate it. 

It wasn't his fault she was weak, he thought, greeting her with a smile. 

"M-Morning." Nia stammered, trying to sound brave, but her voice cracked. She cursed as the shame began to nurse itself in her heart. 

"We missed you last night," Altair continued, curious if she was ill. "Were you unwell?"