Heralds of Astaroth I

Standing over the veranda that overlooked the bailey and all that was Forwin, Altair looked to the wall, to the ripples of attacks pounding against the barrier, and wondered how much more it could take. Eight months, that barrier stood. How much more mana crystal and material did Forwin have left to expend? How much debt is Forwin into to the Church of the Sepith? 

Altair shook his head. "I'm a guest here." He reminded himself in a whisper. "Once the dungeon closes, it'll all be gone… all of it." 

"It bothers you, doesn't it," Reina asked him, leaning on his arm. 

"A little." 

"Lair," She whispered, blinking out at the endless skies, to where a ring of stardust shone over the skies like stars. Illuminated by moonlight, it wrapped around the realm.

Altair looked down at her and smiled. "Did you just call me a liar?" He took her by the waist, holding her firmly.