Palace of Stygian

As the A.I. droned on about his Mother, Altair became enamored with its stories. Aside from being his Mother, Altair knew nothing about Tenebrae, and the more he heard, the more enamored he became. Of all the Primordials, Tenebrae was the most loved by the Ilvarians, who had built worlds to sing praises of her most glorious name, the Weaver of Night. 

Altair might have listened for days if he wasn't on the run. 

"It's so cool in here!" Shouted Kirr, barging into his room, wielding a sword that bore an edge of pure azure light. "Look at this! Master, can I—" Pausing as he saw Altair and Ren cuddled up, he tilted his head. "Is that sex?" 

Jorm, who'd gotten lost chasing him, stormed right in, pushing his head down as he bowed. " Forgive him, Master, he—" 

"It's quite alright," Said Ren, snickering.

Hurriedly, Jorm said," Then we'll be on our way." Jerking his brother outside before any more could be said.