Aspect of the Vale I

Paled of color, Altair tried to hold. He could feel his skin begin to peel at the monstrous flames trying to penetrate through the barrier. Blood bubbled and popped from the surface of his palm as he held on, giving enough time for Ren and Syris to escape. He'd faith in his Almighty Resistance. Faith in a state of knowing that allowed him to perceive the Truth. 

'REN GET HER OUT OF HERE!!!" Altair roared at the top of his lungs.

[Divine Being She Who Hunts demands you use the Skill!]

Altair didn't listen. 

[Divine Sin, Daddy grins feverishly.]

In the distance, watching, towering over Vesim like an immortal, a poised Beelzebub stared with an intensity that would place many of his brethren on guard. He could feel it. He could feel the presence of an indescribable domain beginning to unravel; like a shadow beast within the darkness, it was beginning to bear its fangs.