
Beneath the shadow of his manhood shrouding her beneath its length and girth, Syris looked up in praised worship, shaking. It looked even more frightening than before; she had to wonder how such a monstrosity managed to fit the last time. 

She smiled a crooked smile, panting over its tip. "It's… it's… not going to fit." Hesitantly, she touched it, drawing in a long breath. It was warm, throbbing with his heartbeat. 

Badump Badump!

Syris heard herself gulp. 'He was excited,' she thought, feeling his heartbeat thumping through his manhood. She peeped a glance at him and swallowed at that predatory gaze.

Had he always looked at her so, she wondered, finding the aching of her loins returning. A dampness returned from between her legs, slipping down her thick thighs. 

The Prince watched with bated breath. 

She did not make him wait. Clumsily, Syris's lips opened, gobbling his tip the best she could. 

"Ah~ Further!" He commanded.