The Saintess of the Vale II

"Well, that was unexpected," Altair said, leading Syris into his room back within the Palace of Stygian, where he'd have all the privacy he'd ever want or need. "What the hell? Did you really have to tell them I was shooting blanks? For fucks sake, Syris. Upon my Throne of all places?"

Syris had her face covered, blaring with such shame she couldn't even look him in the eye. The words had just come to her. Imagining those nasty sluts vying for what was hers had triggered something, something primal. At that moment, Syris could not control herself. 

'What is happening to me?' She thought, scampering into the wall to face her time-out. 

Altair was scratching his head, finding not only that her actions were adorably cute but also that, for some reason, he felt some inexplicable sensation of guilt as if he'd done something wrong. He hadn't… or had he?