Omniscience Awakening I

The surge of power that came into being toppled buildings and mountains alike appeared as if it came from the heavens, and yet the destruction it brought made it seem as if the hells had been called forth.

Chaos unfolded in a maelstrom of destruction. From north to south, east to west, the lands churned, writhing like a living thing. From the heavens, lightning fell deep into the bowels of the earth. Molten lava surged hundreds of meters into the skies, twisted into tornados as molten rock rained from the skies, bringing with it utter ruin. 

Tasha felt as if she'd stood within the first layer of hell, Avenos that forever bled the burning embers of the Fallen Angel, Arakiel's wings, when he was cast into the hells. All through Avenous, flaming maelstroms came and went, decimating the denizens of that infernal hell. 

Just then, a shout that seemed to carry the power of a hundred burning suns thundered across the realm, shaking all who heard with a primal fear.