The Dukes Vassals I

"Send the bill to my house," Altair commanded, pocketing a few Seventh Circle Heartstones. It wasn't a lot, but it was enough to sustain him for the next few nights, or so he hoped. Vacating River Mor, he had Tasha hunt down several more merchants that specialized in Mana Shards or Heartstones. 

It was evening when businesses began to close one by one. By the time an hour had passed, weary men, women, and children flooded the streets, trying to make it home. 

Altair observed from his inn, drinking a glass of wine on the terrace. It was a little late, and it was apparent that no one, including himself, wanted to make the three-hour trek back. 

"My lord," Tasha approached her eyes seemingly on the horizon. "You're being watched." 

"Am I?" Altair laughed. "That bumbling buffoon Dane alerted many people." 

"Shall I kill him?"