The Dukes Vassals III

Altair wiped the sweat off his brow and pulled himself out of Tasha. She squirmed, moaning a delightful sound, her cunt dripping with his seed. It seemed almost endless, pillaring from between her legs onto his bed. The sight alone might have stirred something in the young emperor were he not so tired. Fortunately, Tasha had fainted once more. She was doing that more and more; each night, Altair bedded her as he found himself experimenting in a way he might not have with Ren or Syris. 

The nights were always long, longer, when Nia or Alyssa often found themselves peeping through the door as they were now, with a palm between their legs. 

Altair had sworn Tasha to secrecy, forbidding her from even making lewd jokes until he was ready to deal with them.

[Charm 29 → 35]