May your arrow fly straight, and your aim be true

After breakfast, Amelia took a garden tour and visited the different courtyards with Lucius and Torres in tow. Julius was taking his break in the meantime since he would take the first shift in the night. They continuously rotated so that during the day consistently, two of them were with her, and during the night, one was guarding her door.

Roaming around, it was interesting to see that each palace area had different purposes. One was only meant for the family, while another courtyard was open to the nobles meeting with the royal family.

There was even one courtyard only for the servants of which most lived there. It was interesting to see that the culture here was so different. Back in Rodea, the principal servants would live in the castle, but most would reside in the village within the castle walls.

After discovering the palace, Nathaniel took her shooting bow and arrow as promised. The shooting arena was outside the castle premises in the forest, so they had to walk briefly. It was a beautiful spring day, and the light wind blew through Amelia's open hair.

Nathaniel liked the way her hair moved in the air. It seemed as if her hair colour had changed slightly. He knew that was impossible, but he could have sworn that Aurora had a darker brown shade the first time she came to Lavia.

"Have you somehow changed your hair colour, princess?"

Amelia was surprised by his sudden question and immediately started worrying again. "No, I still have the same hair colour." She tried to hide her nervousness.

"Must be the light tricking my eyes then. How have you been in the past year? It must have been hard losing both your parents simultaneously." Nathaniel asked while they were walking toward the training grounds.

He had planned to annoy her, but for some odd reason, he wanted to know more about her first. She seemed different from the last time she came to Lavia, and he wanted to know why he felt that way.

"Yes, it was tough. Especially seeing my brother having to take on all the responsibilities at once. But you know we were there for each other. Since we are on this topic, would it be alright for me to write to my brother? I would love to inform him that I have arrived here safe and sound."

He absentmindedly answered, his eyes searching for the training grounds straight ahead. "Sure, my father was planning to send one, but I am sure I can convince him for you to write to him directly yourself. - Here we are." He smiled excitedly.

The training ground was immense. The arena was made from thick, wooden logs, which had been neatly arranged in a circle. At the centre were several hay bales, which were used as targets. They were arranged at various heights and distances, challenging the archers to aim with precision. The bales were also marked with concentric circles, indicating the points that could be earned from a successful shot.

One Servant was standing on the side with a table full of snacks and drinks prepared for them. Another one was standing by the bow and arrow, waiting for them.

"Ladies first, princess, go ahead. You can take the first couple of shots."

Amelia smiled and stepped forward, taking the bow and arrow from the servant. She held the bow at its handle with her left hand and placed the arrow with her right hand, pulling it simultaneously. Suddenly a hand touched her right shoulder.

"You need to lower your shoulders, princess" Nathaniel stood right behind her, which was too close for Amelia's taste. 'What is he doing?' she asked herself. She couldn't be rude and smiled, obliging his feedback.

Nathaniel got annoyed at himself. What was he doing? He was supposed to make he want to leave and not flirt with her like this. Also, why did she smell so lovely? It was driving him crazy. There was an unexplainable attraction he felt toward her. 'I have to be careful around her.'

He concluded his train of thought and stepped back for Aurora to have enough room to let the arrow fly, which she did, hitting the bull's eye. "Fantastic princess, you are indeed very talented."

Amelia hated the way the prince treated her. It was as if she was a child who needed his praises. Ignoring his compliment, she took another arrow and shot it. She continued shooting one after another, consistently hitting the red dot in the middle.

Lucius and Torres standing in the back, had to suppress their giggles, but the scene amused both. Nathaniel's smile faded slowly. He had planned to undermine and embarrass the princess because the last time she visited, she wasn't enthusiastic about it, so he thought she wasn't very good at it. To his dismay, she was an excellent archer.

"Very impressive, princess. I think it is my turn."

Amelia left her spot so that the prince could take his shots. The servant had cleared the target so Nathaniel could start shooting arrow after arrow.

His mood became very foul after the result of his shots. He had missed the bull's eyes twice. 'How is that even possible? She shouldn't be so good at this.' He was incredibly annoyed.

"Well, this was fun," he said, giving Amelia a fake smile. "Why don't we go back so you can write your letter to your brother."

Amelia only nodded her head, and they returned to the palace. Back in her room, Amelia wrote her letter to Philipp:

'Dear brother,

I hope you are well. My journey had been eventful as we were attacked by some creatures on our way to Lavia, but thanks to Amelia's sudden arrival, we made it out alive.

Therewith, I wanted to let you know that Amelia and I have arrived safely in Lavia and have been made very welcome.

I plead with you to forgive Amelia's disobedience. She has saved my life, and I wouldn't be here today if she hadn't come.

She will stay with me here, and I hope you can let the order go.

I love you dearly, my brother.

Please stay safe.

With all my love,


Amelia folded the paper and prepared it with an envelope so the servant could send it to Rodea with one of the messenger birds.

She was about to get ready for bed when there was a knock on her door.

"Come in" It was Lucia who entered.

"Good, I was able to get you just before bedtime" She smiled happily.

Amelia became anxious again. She had avoided Lucia because she realized that she had a relationship with Aurora and wasn't sure if she could fool her.

"Please take a seat. Is there something bothering you?" Amelia asked, pretending to be calm.

"No, nothing is bothering me. I was just wondering how your time here has been. Were you able to bond with my brother?"

"Oh, you and your mother made me feel so welcome that I already feel at home here. I also enjoy the climate very much, as well as your culture. As for your brother, we shot some arrows this afternoon and had a lovely time." Amelia was very formal, which irritated Lucia a lot.

They had been so close last year. Why was Aurora suddenly so distant to her? There was something different with her, but she couldn't put her finger on it.

"I am very pleased to hear that. Since he teased you so much last time you were here, I wanted to ensure he wasn't doing that again."

"Ah, that is sweet of you, but all is well, thank you."

Lucia kept looking at her as if searching for something. There it was, the proof Lucia was looking for. Aurora had a tiny mole just below her earlobe, which was now gone. Not only that, but the way the princess acted was also strange.

"You are not Aurora, are you?"