Arnold starts acting

Arnold was back at his house reflecting on his childhood friend, Mizushi. Sitting in the chair, he took out his cell phone and called Lopez, asking about the progress of the plan. So you ask me, what kind of plan would that be?

"Hi, Arnold. He talks."

"So how's this plan going? Tell me.

"Here's the thing: I've already contacted the safest police officers in the corporation. I have already met with them and I am thinking of a plan of attack and pursuit."

"Serious?" Arnold asks.

"This plan is about us starting to move towards our target. At first, the island will be the target, and if all goes well, bring Mizushi back, as the police say he won't survive long there.

"Is this serious? Now I am more worried about my friend." Says Arnold.

"Yes. That's why they're already on their way to my house so we can take the first steps before we go looking for Mizushi".

"Great! I hope we can get out of here soon and bring my friend back!"

Suddenly, someone knocks on Lopez's front door. It was the secret of the corporation's high security. They say:

"Let's wait for him to open that door, calm down", says Paul.

"Come on man! We have things to do! Roger exclaims.

The two are high-ranking maximum security agents of Aracity City's large police corporation. Remarkably quick in actions and problem-solving.

"I am on my way!" exclaims Lopez.

The door opens. The officers enter Lopez's home.

"So how are you, my friend?"

"Haha, I'm fine man, how about you?"

They smile and start talking about the serious matter of that moment:

"Okay. Look, Lopez, we're here because you paid us a good amount of money to rescue that guy." Roger said.

"Yes, I understand what you're saying," says Lopez.

"We thought of a strategic plan, in fact, there is no such thing as a well-made plan if it is not strategic, right?"

"It's true," says Lopez.

"So let's talk about that plan. Look, first, let's take our corporation's boat and go straight to this island."


The cell phone starts to ring. It was Arnold calling Lopez and saying:

"Hey, man! I can't take it anymore! Let's go after him!

Without waiting, Arnold takes the lead. He already had everything in hand: a simple boat, but able to reach the next island.

The boat was well coupled, with very resistant wood. The area inside the boat would fit ten people. The whole structure is well done.

Arnold was on the waterfront, right in front of his friend's house. He looks back and tells Lopez:

"I'll go ahead! I wait for you there!"

"Hey, don't do that Arnold, wait!" exclaims Lopez. The connection drops.

Lopez starts to run and leaves the house, but the police call him back:

"Hey, man! Wait! We're going too. But first, we're going to have to go to the secret corporation to send for the boat!"

"Do you still have it?" Lopes asks.

"I won't wait either!" he exclaims.

Then the cops send a final, loud warning:

"Let's take our corporate boat and meet on the beach, got it?"

"Right!" Exclaim from afar, Lopez.

Arnold doesn't really wait. He already starts to leave the coast of the city towards the nearest island, where Mizushi would be.

He was well planned to follow the trail towards the sea, confident and happy, hopeful, knowing that he could be reunited with his childhood friend after many years. During a walk by Lopez to the beach where Arnold was, he saw Gerard driving his car through the center of town. He gets scared.

Gerard was also on his way to the sea coast, where Lopez wanted to go. But Lopez didn't imagine he could go there. Gerard's goal is to get a good area for possible Spiner call calls and vice versa. That way, Gerard could talk to his subordinate and find out how the mission was going. Also, he could pass advice to Spiner.

Arnold followed its course from the sea to the island. The weather was closing and he began to worry about possible storms that could occur. So he was paying close attention to the front of him, looking out to sea and visualizing the horizon.

"Haha, looks like we're coming! Finally!" exclaims Spiner to his accomplices.

Spiner and his Akai gang were approaching their intended destination. Meanwhile, Mizushi feels a bad feeling again.

"I'm not feeling well. It looks like something is about to happen."

Mizushi is apprehensive, although he could pass negative energy to his wife, he was not near her, as he was in a place a little far from the hut. He was close to reaching that mountain that his son, Dagurasu, had seen.

"Wait, son," Mizushi tells Dagurasu.

"What was?" Ask the son.

"It's nothing. Let's go." Mizushi says trying not to convey her feelings to her son.

So the two were going to the mountain, located to the north of the island and it was a little far from the hut where Laís, Mizushi's wife, was staying.

Meanwhile, Spiner and his cronies were approaching.

Arnold was also following his trail to the island, right behind Spiner.

Gerard had just arrived on shore.

Lopez arrives about fifteen minutes later, but Gerard is still there.

In order not to attract the attention of the leader of the gang, Lopez is well behind the walls, in a corner.

Gerard starts trying to make callbacks to his subordinate. He is unable to reach Spiner.

Soon after, Lopez tries to think of a plan to lose Gerard but sees that there would be no way to get him out of there or wait until he leaves.

Lopez thinks of the cops:

"That's right, I forgot about them! Where are they?"

The police had gone to the station to find out the circumstances they had been through and to catch the boat, as that was the most important objective.

"We are on our way!" exclaims one of the policemen.

"Hey Roger, looks like we, this time, along with that guy, would be closer to, I think, a third of all our operations done against this gang here in town, to wiping out their races?"

"Not yet, it's still a long way off."