Isabelle's heart was pounding inside her chest, the only bit of strength coming from Allen's touch. She shut her eyes closed when the car started to shake violently.
Yet, the chilling sound of clashing metal did not come.
A few seconds later, it all stopped. Everything fell silent for a moment as they were still in shock, like every sound was muffled by the adrenaline rush. A couple of seconds passed, every sound finally coming back to their senses: the heavy rain on the top of the car, the wiper blade's rhythmic sound, and Allen and Isabelle's heavy breathing.
"Are you OK?" Allen turned his body towards her, grabbing both sides of her face with his hands. He scrutinized every detail, searching for any kind of injury.
She nodded, searching on his face any sign of danger. "Are you?" Allen nodded too.
His expression went from indescribable relief to raging anger in a blink, though. He grabbed the wheel again, mortified about the destiny they just avoided, and started driving again to stay away from any cars passing by.
"That's it. My place is near here, so we're going to stay there until the storm is over."
Isabelle could not refuse. What happened was already too much for her venturous side.
They reached his place a couple of minutes later.
Coming back to his place after all that time, and after all that happened, made Isabelle feel self-conscious. The old lady from the last time met them in the entrance, offering them towels so they could dry up a little before heading to the bathroom.
"Nana, Isabelle is staying here until the storm passes." Allen spoke to Mrs. Olivier while scrubbing the towel over his hair. "We almost got an accident, so I rather wait here than risking it." He paused for a second, stopping the motion of his arm. "Don't tell father about the accident."
Mrs. Olivier opened her mouth, a worried expression wrinkling her features. "I will not, Mr. Hayes." She reached her hands towards him, softly taking his hands on hers. "Are you hurt?" She asked him, then looked towards Isabelle.
"Yeah. It was just a scare."
"We're fine, thank god." Isabelle smiled. "Thank you for having me."
"Oh dear, it is lovely to have you." Mrs. Olivier moved closer to Isabelle, helping her with her hair. "Why don't you go and take a hot shower, dear, before you catch a cold?"
Isabelle's mind started to fill with memories of that day, blushing. Her stomach tightened, wondering if she's going to have a chance to repeat that day again today.
"Maybe I should prepare the guest—"
"She can use mine, don't worry, Nana." Isabelle's eyes widened, embarrassed at how lightly he said it.
Mrs. Olivier smiled and nodded. "Understood." He walked a few steps towards the kitchen, turning right before the entrance. "I will prepare dinner. Is there something of your liking, my dear?" She asked Isabelle.
"Oh, no, please. Anything would be great." Isabelle smiled sweetly, following Allen as he had started walking towards the stairs.
He took her hand and lead her to his bedroom.
The room was exactly as she had seen it that day: organized and clean, with only a couple of video games out of place. She walked around the room, this time detailing everything around her, as she was not nervous like that last time. Allen had little to none books in his room: a couple fantasy books and around five business related.
Isabelle also noticed a couple of pictures laying on one of the counters. In one of them, Allen was with this beautiful young woman, with light brown hair and light blue eyes; just like Allen's. The girl was hugging him tightly with a bright smile on her face, while he was smiling to one side. She could tell he was happy, as his eyes were bright and light.
On the other one, Allen was probably eight years, wearing a pirate costume. The housemaid, Mrs. Olivier, was fixing his pirate hat laughing like she just heard the best joke. Allen had a huge smile too, playing with a figure toy. It was obvious the picture was taken without them noticing.
Isabelle was captivated by him as a child. He looked vibrant and full of joy. She wondered why, even though he looked stunningly handsome and cool, he didn't look as relaxed as he did in this photo.
While Isabelle made her way to his rather few memories, Allen rested his back on the wall, watching her. He let her wander through his room while wondering how he felt about it.
He always hated when people tried to pry on his private life. He had invited people over for a couple of parties, and there was always a girl trying to sneak into his bedroom and nose around his things.
This time, Allen wanted Isabelle to know him better, show her a lot more about himself. And yet, his heart shrank at the thought of her realizing how pathetic he actually was. He has no pictures with his family, at least not for himself. Every year, the four of them reunited to take the annual family picture; pretending to be a happy and united home. He never saved those photos, just those that really meant something for him. And those were only two.
Allen wondered if Isabelle would stay after knowing the truth.
A sudden movement in front of him made him turn back to reality, noticing Isabelle was now looking at him.
"I like your photos. You looked cute when you were a kid." Isabelle said with a smile, starting to walk towards him.
"I guess…" He extended his arms, inviting her to his chest. "You didn't see them before?
Isabelle hugged him like it was something they have done millions of times before, and rested her head on him. "I didn't have the time."
"Oh, right. You were running away." Isabelle raised her head and looked at him with a hurtful expression. Allen laughed, stealing a fast kiss from her lips. "Cute."
Isabelle giggled, tilting her head to one side. "You're always telling me I'm cute."
"Because you are."
"How?" She insisted.
"Hmm…" He mumbled, turning his glance to the roof. He swallowed, as he realized he had just many answers to that question.
Then, Allen stared at her with a warm gaze, his blue eyes darkened by the shadow of his hair. He detailed her face with a soft expression and raised one hand to touch her cheek.
"When you blush you're cute," he started. "When you smile, and your eyes become small because you're happy, you also look cute." He traveled his fingertips to her nose. "Your nose is tiny, and goes red when you're cold. I find that cute too." His fingers travelled again to her cheek, landing then on her lips. "How your lips look hen you pout… Or how your hair bounce when you walk fast towards me…" He pursed his lips, setting his eyes on hers.
Isabelle looked at him with a stunned expression, her face tainted in a rather bright pink. Allen smiled to one side and continued talking. "How big your eyes turn when you don't know what to say, too. Want me to keep going?"
She shook her head. "N—No…" Isabelle tried to hold her gaze, but failed. She hugged him again, burying her face in his chest.
Allen's deep laugh resonated on her ears, blushing her even more. "Cute." He repeated.
After saying all he said, Allen felt proud about himself. He never used those kinds of words or have ever told anyone anything like them, yet he somehow found the way to say them and don't make a fool out of himself. Maybe it was because he actually meant them? Or she just had that kind of power over him. The power to bring the best on him.
They stood there for a couple of minutes, not saying anything for a while, until he remembered they were still wet.
With disdain, Allen broke the hug, grabbing her face with both hands. "Take a shower. Your face feels cold already."
Isabelle nodded, the thought making her shudder a little. Allen smiled again, stepping into the bathroom. She saw him check on a white cabinet beside the shower, drawing a red wine towel from it. He placed it on top of the counter and turned to see her.
"I'll look out some of my clothes for you." He walked out of the bathroom, stopping right in front of her. He stared down at her, like waiting for something. Then, he raised his eyebrows.
They looked at each other for a couple of seconds, when Isabelle finally reacted. "Oh, right." She laughed, going into the bathroom.
Isabelle didn't hear him following, only noticing his presence when his body softly pressed against her back. She tensed a little, feeling butterflies in her belly. Allen's hands fell on her shoulders, drawing her body closer to his.
"Right, I forgot." His breath tickled in the back of her neck, sending shivers down her spine. Allen's deep voice made her feel dizzy. "I'll be taking your clothes."
The low purring of his voice igniting a warm feeling between her legs.
Isabelle didn't move a muscle as Allen slowly caressed his way down her arms, lacing his fingers with hers the moment he reached them. His breath was hot, so hot it left a burning trace in her sensitive skin as he followed the lines of her neck to her right shoulder. She closed her eyes.
Allen felt Isabelle pressing even more her body against him, almost like by instinct. He inhaled her scent, feeling how his heart started pounding inside his chest.
He wanted her.
He wanted her so bad…