26 - Veils

A/N: The chapter ahead is raw, which means not been proofread yet nor edited.


There was a tale as old as time, one telling the story of how the Veils emerged among the first creations.

The universe once gave birth to a lonely being. Nobody could tell how and when. This Creator have no intelligence; it cannot speak nor understand everything that he sees. Inside the darkness he's in were bunches of warm clusters of light and circles. 1He walked and walked. He visited some planets. Some have life in them, some is impossible to become a habitat. Until his long walk ended after he reached an unknown space beyond the universes. An enternal abyss no light can pass through.

It's just there as the universe continue to expand from the center.

Black. Dark.

But then, the Creator is curious to why it exists beyond the universe. So, he crossed over the boundary. He couldn't see anything beyond and wished for light. So, he made his own universe outside the universe. The empty space was now filled with light. 1He made the brightest stars and breathtaking galaxies. However, his planets are boring and dull. And so, he asked the God of the neighboring universe for ideas, and God shared him his knowledge. The Creator finally obtained intelligence thanks to God and that's when he began making his creations.1He created millions of planets in odd shapes. But among the planets he made, one stood out among the rest. This planet is what he calls 'home'. It is habitable, abundant in limitless resources and had breathtaking sceneries.1"What kind of home is your planet?" the God asks his friend Creator.1"A magical world," the Creator smiled. "What about yours?"1The God thinks.

"In my planet, my creations with intelligence worships me. They believe that if they do so, they will be at my mercy and I will accept them in my kingdom above after their ends. They work to obtain things they need for innovation, development, and progress, only to use them against others."1This left the Creator wondering. "Strange. What do you call the things who live in your planet, then?"1"Humans."1"What is the name of your planet?" This question made God smile.1"It is...Earth. Its name is Earth where humanity must survive without any magic."1And so, the Creator have decided, "Then, mine will be the opposite of yours. My people will possess abilities that are alike mine as a gift. I hereby name my home as Dragunovv, and its people Ancients, for they will live as long as I. My gifts shall help them progress and survive. My home will be their home, and they need not to worship me. Every living thing in my home is equal and fair."1God deem Creator's desire to be foolish instead of ambitious but he respected it.1The time came where they have to part ways. God return to his universe to watch over his creations, leaving the Creator in the middle of building his.1First, he created an equal, a friend like God. Since he's already in a body of a man, he created the first woman. Using the coldest star, a few drops of his blood, and a tiny piece of his flesh, she was created. He shared his intelligence to her, but his equal turned out to be too cold and lazy.

"How about you create your angels? God have lots of that. You should, too," she suggested. The truth is, she just want to laze around the universe.

The Creator liked it anyway. These angels were then called Deities.

Gaeia is the Deity of Nature, the heart of Dragunovv. With her bringing balance to everything, the world became habitable. Khonsa is the Deity of the Cosmic Space. He's a great help to the Creator in choosing the best stars to become Ancients. Yes, Ancients are made from stars. That's why their use of magic became limitless. Therefore, Zwydion was created to be the Deity of Essence and Magic. He gifted each Ancient with magic, bearing no favoritism.

However, Gaeia made it known that nature is not getting enough nourishment. Something is missing, lacking.

"Must be because there's no light. I would refuse to live, too, if everything's so dark," the Creator's lazy equal purred as she float around the space and causing supernova just for entertainment.

And so, Lleu was given life and became the Deity of Sun and Light. After her was Lioran, her twin sister, the Deity of Moons and Darkness, the one who created the moons.

Yet, there's still seem to be a problem. The Ancients' are not multiplying.

That's when Voinair, the Deity of Fertility was created. The Ancients multiplied through the reproduction process called 'blending'. His first life creation is a man, born from his bone, possessing great and destructive strength despite having minimal essence for he is not made from a star unlike the rest.

"Daro. You will be Daro," the Deity named the man.

While the Creator and the Deities are busy in creating more, His Equal descended and walked among the Ancients. During day, they will praise the Creator and the Deities. By night, they will be reproducing. His Equal seemed to like it in Dragunovv and chose to stay. She became their first religion, getting all the credit, thus, she was criticized by the Deities.

They argued about how the people are kneeling to her. Their people have forgotten about them, Deities, and stopped singing praises. The Creator listened to their demands and wishes fairly until the five, great families were created.

They are the: Vernignac whom he blessed Copy Magic, Devereux whom he blessed with Barrier Magic, Sacremore whom he blessed with Absorb Magic, Axeore whom he blessed with Reality's End, and lastly, Warlock whom he blessed with the same ability as his: Creation. 1The Warlock shares his flesh, while the other families were made from galaxies, as requested by His Equal.

"Then, you should watch over them," he told her, since she contributed most to the ideas during the creation process of the Warlocks.


He offered each family a land to live. To keep their blood and flesh pure, the great families bed each other. Therefore, the magic blessed on them was passed to their children. That's how they called it 'Bloodline'.

For the Creator's vacation after creating so much, he descended to the surface and left the Deities with the creation tasks. He shared meals with his people and lived with them. They sang, they ate, and danced the nights away without feeling exhaustion. They multiply and soon, the continents become populated. The Creator is glad to see them enjoying his efforts and appreciate the home he gave to them.1To honor the Creator for his generosity, the five families pour their magic on a plant in the middle of each continents that grew to become what they called the Oracle Tree. They water it each day with their blood and essence until it grew past the skies.1Until one day, God came to visit his friend. After observing his planet, he told him, "Too much power will become greed, and too much freedom will root sinning."1At first, the Creator didn't understand what God meant. He welcomed his friend and introduced him to his Ancients. God stayed in the Creator's home for years, helping Creator and giving him wonderful ideas, until what he fears broke out in Axeore. 1Sins corrupted the Ancient's hearts, tempted to take a forbidden desire. They turn into ugly monsters and ate others to satisfy their insatiable hunger. God used his divinity to help the turned back to themselves. The Creator then came with the Warlocks after a long trip and misunderstood God's actions. He thought that God made the mess, so he banished his friend from his home forever.1God is saddened that their friendship ended because of a mistake, and disappointed that his friend didn't even gave him a chance to explain his part.1The turned ones are then called the Veils because of the floating veil over their heads when turned. Their sharp fangs are bared, horns protruded from their foreheads. Their eyes were soaked in the tint of black and so their claws. Their build doubled in size, giving them the advantage to trample over the helpless Ancients. 1The Creator did everything he could to control the rampage. Soon enough, the Ancients began pointing their fingers at him, blaming him for giving life to such flawed creations. Their unity was shattered and the families return to their lands. They built empires on the continent the Creator gifted them. Wars broke out and the once peaceful world fell into chaos and vendetta.

Other empires couldn't touch the Warlock's lands because of the His Equal living in it. She got there first, made the land herself, so it was hers to begin with. Therefore, they only attacked the places she doesn't go to and burned anything that's on sight.

"Why don't we offer the Creator to them? This may end if they eat him. After all, these Veils seeks vengeance against the one who made them like this, and it's the Creator! His creations are flawed and imperfect!" Convinced Vernignac, seducing the other families into believing them.1So they hunt the Creator who went into hiding. Yet, everywhere he goes, the Ancients figures his location. Their chase lasted for millions of years until the Creator was finally subdued by Devereux.

His Equal was there all this time, watching things unfold before her ignorant and naive eyes.

"Sacrifice him! Sacrifice him! Sacrifice him!" The Ancients chant as they nail him against the Oracle Tree.1"How can you do this to me!?" The Creator agonized, yet the Ancients are deafened by their blind belief and offered him to the Veils.1He then understood what God had told him before and regretted giving life to his creations. Excluding the Warlocks who were imprisoned in Devereux's barriers, unable to use their power to save their Father. 1His eyes glared at the families who stood by and sneers at him, watching him get devoured by the corrupted. 1Upon his death, the Deities stopped showering the Ancients with blessings and left them be. They created their safe space past the skies, leaving out His Equal below who doesn't understand a thing. So, she summoned the Warlocks to have them explain everything to her.

In the midst of chaos caused by the Veils, Orithyia, the woman of great beauty that is comparable to the female Deities, was the only Warlock who answered to her summons.


They were outnumbered, leaving the Supreme God no choice but to keep the Veils away in the Forsaken Continent, the largest continent in the now-called Cosmo-Vale. They've been at war for years and it's exhausting when your enemies keep on coming back. Multiple layers of powerful and strong barriers was stacked to prevent them from bringing yet another calamity. With the help of every being with magic, they assisted the Supreme Being and poured every drop of their essence in each layer until they passed out when they reached their limit.

The barriers will last a million years, they believed. And while that estimated time is not yet spent, the Earthlings established the world's first school, The Academia. With their high level of intelligence, they changed the world and taught it what must be taught.

All that effort, yet it still got punched open. Veils and all otherworldly horrors surged forth, driven by a singular purpose — to converge upon the Warlock Empire. The once-impenetrable barriers are now crumbling, releasing a tide of darkness eager to devour every unsuspecting soul in its path.

"What...is happening?"

They couldn't move from their spots, necks locked from looking up. A legion of flying Veilions and Veils are coming their way. As the unleashed entities advanced, their malevolence intensified, fueled by an insatiable hunger for destruction.

Veilions, or Veil Minions, jumped off from the backs of the flying ones and devoured the Ancients on the surface of Warlock Empire. The demons from hell are falling over their heads, as if the Heavens are punishing them for their mistake.

"LIMITER!" Prince Izaac yelled and punched the ground. A golden magic circle expanded.

"Limi~ Limi~ Limiter is here~" Limiter sang and danced.

"GET YOURSELVES TOGETHER! Davorin, handle Watts! Ascel, Eddien, mobilize the army. Aunties, Uncles!" He looked back to where they are, and was dumbfounded to see them just sitting there and giving him blank stares, unwilling to cooperate.

"Is this happening because we made a terrible mistake? Is this the consequence of executing Moon, who could've been the real Holy Azarese Elyzena?"

Lord Ohms bitterly chuckled. He tap his sibling's backs to get their brother who's fallen under Prince Davorin's illusion.

"We can protect ourselves, you protect yours. You're on your own, Dragunovvs."

Their breathing hitched.

"Y-You can't do this... Aunt Xerene, Uncle Volt! You can't do this to us!"

But the couple didn't looked back and went to pick up their son. But they can't get him up.

"What the heck? How is he so heavy!? Mom, I can't pull my baby!" Lady Elektra whined. She's already putting all her strength---they are already working altogether---but they can't see to lift the Young Lord up.

"It's his vest," Lord Ohms said and got down to touch his fashion, "They're weights. Enchanted with magic."

"He's wearing something unbelievingly heavy!?"

So, they decided to stay with him.