It S*cks!

One week later,

"Meow, meow, meow!"

Yun Xi was really angry, to the point of vomiting blood. 

'What kind of crap thing this guy was making them learn?'

Is it crap what they call swordsmanship? Even one swing of this doesn't have a relationship with the great grandfather of swordsmanship! 

Even though Yun Xi was diagnosed for having a cancer, but before the start of this disaster she also had a life to live, a dream to pursue.

She was an abandoned girl with no place to call it a home, but that doesn't mean she also had no dreams.

Yun Xi trained hard every day, she in fact trained so hard to the point of collapsing and having nosebleeds everyday. But she didn't stop pursuing her dreams.

In the end, she also became a national champion who won medals in every field of open challenge. 

After winning the medals, some people were envious, while some of them mocked her for not having someone close to show off.

"So what? This is something I won by working hard. Why do I need to show it off to someone else? I'll see them and polish them everyday, this is enough for me to satisfy myself!"

This was the bold answer she came up with, that made the people choke on their words.

They couldn't refute what she said, so they called her a mannerless girl who didn't have anyone to teach her and walked away. Not admitting their fault.

But Yun Xi was okay with that, since she was able to fulfill her dreams. Though this matter didn't just end there.

After becoming a national champion, the reward money swarmed into her house. Making her look like a filthy rich young star.

Her relatives also caught wind of this house and started to frequent her house, including the parents that once dumped her heartlessly. 

Yun Xi knew of their intentions very well, so she decided to move to another apartment. But they also didn't stop tailing her.

After all, having a bank account of thirty million US dollar was a pretty big deal.

They did everything and tried to persuade her to give out the money, but Yun Xi remained neutral. 

But at one time, her father got up angrily and slapped her, cursing her as an ungrateful ingrate.

"That's right. I'm an ungrateful ingrate, and you guys are my 'Oh so kind and gentlemen parents'. The money you are drooling over is earned by my hard work, don't spoil them with your dog-like saliva. Now get lost if you don't have something other than this to say."

The cold words coming out of her mouth was like a slap to their faces. So they left her after cursing a few more times.

When she fell ill, they returned again and tried to persuade her. But she already settled everything on the name of a volunteer organization founded by herself.

In the end, she didn't let them get a hold on it. And she feels pretty satisfied by this as well.

But the problem was…

Yun Xi was getting pissed just by thinking about the insult of her swordsmanship made by that little brat!

'How dare he claim himself as the national champion when he has no callus on his palm? How dare he call himself a sword master when he has no talent or skills!'

She just couldn't bear to see it anymore, Yun Xi felt like she needed to do something. 

'I can't let him insult the art and mastery of swordsmanship more than this. I need to do something!'

Seeing the little fluffy restless, Jun Shang raised an eyebrow with a hint of amusement. 

"What? You want to train in swordsmanship too? But with that tiny body, are you sure you can hold one?" He teased her with a smile on his face, but the reaction was unexpected.


"Meow, meow, meow!"

But unfortunately, Jun Shang didn't seem to get the message as he rubbed her head.

"Forget it. You are a frail little kitty, heavy things like swordsmanship don't suit you."


With that, Yun Xi jumped off from the high stair as she walked away from the training grounds, staggering towards Jun Shang's living quarters. 

'If I was not in the form of a cat now, I would've shown you what great of a swordsman I am!'

Yun Xi sighed in frustration, she didn't know when or how can she turn back into a human.

Nor did she have any support from behind the scenes, like how the female lead and male leads of novels get one.

Something like a system or some old ghost instructor, nothing.

But in this crucial moment, these were what she needed the most. To get help and turn herself back into a human.

It was the moment when finally her prayers came true, and a blast of bright light filled the entire dark room in light.

[Welcome, Host.]

The light disappeared all of a sudden, just like how it came.

Yun Xi gasped when she saw the big white screen floating over her head.

'Was it truly something possible?'

[Name : Yun Xi

Race : Demon

Species : Kitten (Evolution criteria is in process)

Grade : 3

Class : Demonic Beast

Level : 1

Cultivation Technique : None

Martial Arts : None

Divine Ability : None

Legend : None

Title : None

Stats ~

HP : 20/20

MP : 144/300

STR : 2

VIT : 10

INT : 30

AGI : 7

DEX : 15

DEF : 10

Toughness : 4

Skills : Bite Lv. 3, Scratch Lv. 4, Hide Lv. 6, Kick Lv. 5

Skills (Human form) : ??? 

Stats Point : 0

Skill Point : 0]



More than that, Yun Xi wasn't sure why did this crap appeared at this moment.