Chapter 10: Little kitten

Feng Yuansheng's steps echoed throughout the marble foyer as he made his way deeper into his sprawling mansion. The sunlight streamed in from the grand windows, casting intricate patterns on the polished floors. The walls were lined with magnificent oil paintings, each a masterpiece in its own right, while the corners were adorned with ornate vases that glimmered in the light.

As he walked past the grand staircase, Feng Yuansheng noticed that some of the priceless items were missing. He gritted his teeth in frustration, knowing that this could only mean that Yun Cheng had thrown them in his latest tantrum.

His eyes scanned the room, searching for any other signs of destruction, and he noticed that a few of the decorative lamps were knocked over, their delicate glass shades shattered on the ground. Feng Yuansheng's jaw clenched, and he shook his head in disappointment.

He walked towards Yun Cheng's room, with his secretary Li Ming following behind. The gentle rustling of the doctor's medical bag was the only sound that could be heard as if even the furniture and decorations were trying to remain silent.

As he entered the room, he saw Yun Cheng getting dressed, his left foot being attended to by the family Doctor Shang. Feng Yuansheng's expression grew stern, and he couldn't help but feel a twinge of anger at the sight of his nephew, who had caused so much trouble.

Yun Cheng cowered in fear as soon as he saw his uncle, knowing that Feng Yuansheng was furious. The air was tense, and the silence was only broken by the sound of the doctor's gentle movements.

Feng Yuansheng approached his nephew, his gaze fixed on him, sweeping over the room to take note of the destruction he had caused. His heart sank as he saw the drops of blood on the marble floor and the broken glasses scattered around the room.

Feng Yuansheng approached Yun Cheng, his expression stern. "Do you realise what you did, Young Master Yun?" he asked.

Yun Cheng looked up briefly, then quickly looked back down. He could see his uncle Yuansheng was furious. He would never call him Young Master Yun unless he did something wrong.

As Feng Yuansheng was waiting for his answer, the little boy spoke up. "I-I didn't want to go to the airport," he mumbled, barely audible.

Feng Yuansheng's voice was low but firm. "That doesn't excuse your behaviour. Do you have any idea how much trouble you've caused? How will I answer your family?"

Yun Cheng's lower lip trembled as he tried to hold back his tears. "I'm sorry, Uncle. I didn't mean to cause trouble," he said, his voice barely above a whisper.

Feng Yuansheng sighed, his expression softening slightly. "I know you didn't mean to, Yun Cheng. But you need to understand the consequences of your actions."

Yun Cheng nodded, his eyes still downcast. "I understand, Uncle. I'll try to do better."

Feng Yuansheng placed a hand on Cheng's shoulder. "All right. We will be leaving for the airport after you dressed up."

As Yun Cheng continued to get dressed, Feng Yuansheng looked at him with a scrutinizing gaze. Suddenly, the little boy spoke up hesitantly, "Uncle, can I... can I meet the pretty sister?"

Feng Yuansheng's eyebrows furrowed in annoyance. He knew how much Yun Cheng adored this pretty sister. She is his saviour and Yun Cheng had been throwing tantrums to meet her and thank her, but Feng Yuanshenghe didn't want any more distractions. "Not now, Yun Cheng. We have important matters to attend to."

Yun Cheng's face fell, and he struggled to speak again. "But Uncle, I haven't seen her after waking up. I want to thank her."

Feng Yuansheng let out a heavy sigh, knowing that he wouldn't be able to resist Yun Cheng's pleas for long. "Fine, we'll see her after coming back from Country A."

Yun Cheng's face lit up with a huge grin, and Feng Yuansheng couldn't help but feel amused at the little boy's enthusiasm. He may be a handful at times, but he was still family.

After Doctor Shang finished dressing Yun Cheng's foot, he turned to Feng Yuansheng with a concerned expression. "Mr. Feng, I must caution you that your nephew's wounds are quite severe. He must avoid putting too much pressure on that foot for at least a week, or he risks worsening the injury."

Feng Yuansheng frowned, his eyes flickering with worry. "Is there anything else we can do to help him heal faster?"

"Well, I can prescribe some painkillers and anti-inflammatory medication to help with the pain and swelling," replied Doctor Shang, "but ultimately, rest and minimal movement are the best remedies."

Feng Yuansheng nodded thoughtfully. "Very well. Please prepare the medication, Doctor."

As Doctor Shang left the room, Feng Yuansheng turned to Yun Cheng. He who was struggling to put on his shoes, his small hands fumbling with the laces.

"Do you need help?" Feng Yuansheng asked.

Yun Cheng shook his head, determined to do it himself. But after a few minutes of struggling, he gave up, his eyes filling with tears once again.

Feng Yuansheng sighed, as he walked over to Yun Cheng and knelt down beside him. He took the shoes from his nephew's hands and gently tied the laces of Yun Cheng's shoes. Yun Cheng looked up at his uncle, surprised by his sudden help. Feng Yuansheng didn't meet his gaze but continued to work on his shoes in silence. He made sure that his left shoe was a bit loose so that it doesn't hurt his wounds.

After a moment, Doctor Shang returned to the room with a small box of medicine. He handed it to Feng Yuansheng and said, "Young Master Yun should take this medicine for the pain and to prevent infection."

Feng Yuansheng nodded, taking the box from the doctor's hands. "Thank you, Doctor Shang," he said before turning to his secretary Li Ming who was there since the beginning. "Take this medicine, you know what to do," he instructed, handing the box to his secretary.

Li Ming came forward and took the box from Doctor Shang's hand.

"I should be leaving. Take care Young Master Yun." With that Doctor Shang Left.

Feng Yuansheng turned to Li Ming and instructed him to carry Yun Cheng, "Li Ming, carry Yun Cheng."

Li Ming nodded in understanding and approached Yun Cheng. However, Yun Cheng scowled and protested, "I can walk by myself, I don't need to be carried like a baby."

Feng Yuansheng was amused at Yun Cheng's reaction, remembering that little kitten at the hospital.

Secretary Li Ming shook his head and walked over to Yun Cheng, "It's all right, Young Master Yun. Let me carry you, it's safer for your foot. You don't want to make the injury worse, do you?"

Yun Cheng pouted but eventually relented, allowing Li Ming to pick him up. He looked like an angry kitten, fidgeting and crossing his arms. Suddenly, Yun Cheng looked like a deflated balloon.

Feng Yuansheng shook his head. He needs to keep certain someone away from his nephew, lest he picks up his bad habits.

Somewhere far away, under the scorching sun, Feng Yiming let out a sudden sneeze, feeling as if a sudden cold breeze had passed by. He shuddered involuntarily, wondering why he was suddenly feeling so chilly in the heat.


As Jiang Yan was feeding Grandma Lui porridge, they chatted happily about anything and everything. Jiang Yan was glad to see her grandmother in good spirits. It had only been a few days since Grandma Lui woke up and saw Jiang Yan safe and sound. At that time, she cried bitterly for not being able to protect her granddaughter properly.

While they were chatting, Ning Yaolan suddenly arrived at the hospital. He had been away in the city but rushed back as soon as he heard about his mother's condition. Seeing his mother lying in the hospital bed, Ning Yaolan's face turned solemn and he felt upset. However, he was also relieved to know that she was okay.

As soon as Ning Yaolan entered the hospital room, he rushed to his mother's side and held her hand tightly. "Mom, are you feeling better now?" he asked with a worried tone.

Grandma Lui nodded weakly, "I'm feeling much better now, thanks to Jiang Yan. She's been taking care of me all this time," she replied, gesturing towards Jiang Yan.

Ning Yaolan turned to Jiang Yan, and his expression softened. "Thank you for taking care of my mother. I'm sorry I couldn't be here earlier," he said apologetically.

Jiang Yan smiled warmly at him, "It's okay, Uncle Yaolan. I'm just glad that Grandma Lui is getting better," she said sincerely.

Ning Yaolan looked at her with a hint of sadness in his eyes, "I heard what happened in the village. I'm sorry," he said, his voice trailing off.

Jiang Yan shook her head, "It's okay, Uncle Yaolan. It's not your fault," she replied, trying to comfort him.

Grandma Lui looked at Jiang Yan and then at Ning Yaolan. "What happened?"

Jiang Yan signalled uncle Yaolan to not speak about the matter, lest it upsets Grandma Lui. "Nothing Grandma, I just broke a cup, and Aunt Lin was angry."

"Aiyoo, why is she getting angry at you for this small matter? Anyway, the cup set was brought by you. So, it's okay if you broke it." Grandma Lui huffed.

Jiang Yan laughed, "Yes Grandma Lui, it's a small matter. Don't get angry." She coaxed her grandma gently.

Ning Yaolan spoke up, "The butler from the Jiang family called. They were asking when you will return."

The atmosphere suddenly got tense.

Jiang Yan felt a lump in her throat as she heard Ning Yaolan's words. Going back to the Jiang household meant facing her real family, the ones who are waiting for her downfall. Though some members do care about her, in her previous life no one stood up for her when she needed them.

Jiang Yan gazed down at her fidgeting fingers. "I'll return soon," she murmured softly.

Grandma Lui comprehended the apprehension in Jiang Yan's voice. It wasn't easy for her to go back to the family that she had been separated from for 15 years. Grandma Lui gave Jiang Yan's hand a reassuring squeeze, letting her know that everything would be all right. Jiang Yan returned the smile.

Suddenly, her phone rang.
