Chapter 25: Arrived in the Capital

The CEO's cabin of the Fengxin Group was a luxurious and modern space. The walls were adorned with breath-taking pieces of artwork that brought life to the room. The furniture was of the finest quality, and it radiated an air of exclusivity and elegance.

Yun Cheng, had been accompanying his Third Uncle in the cabin, every day, from morning till night. They had been staying there for a while, and the CEO's office had become their temporary home. Feng Yuansheng was sitting at his desk, surrounded by piles of paperwork, typing away on his computer. He was lost in his work and barely noticed the world around him.

Meanwhile, Yun Cheng was restless and bored. His arms and legs were spread out, and he lay on the plush sofa like a starfish. Normally, Yun Cheng was a bundle of energy, constantly moving and exploring his surroundings. However, in the presence of Feng Yuansheng, he was quiet and well-behaved, almost as if he knew he needed to behave in such a formal setting.

He looked around the room and saw the stunning artwork, which was already old to him. He had been spending hours staring at those walls, contemplating on how to start the conversation with his Third Uncle. As time passed, Yun Cheng grew increasingly bored and restless. His face began to show his displeasure, and he pouted silently on the sofa.

Yun Cheng's distress was evident as he lay on the sofa in the Fengxin Group CEO's cabin. The reason for his frustration was that his Third Uncle Feng Yuansheng had promised to take him to see his pretty sister after returning from Country A. However, days had passed, and the promise remained unfulfilled. Yun Cheng was too scared and angry to remind his uncle about the deal they made, and he had been sulking ever since.

Feng Yuansheng could see the disappointment etched on his nephew's face. He understood that Yun Cheng was upset about not seeing his Pretty Sister, but he also knew that it was not safe to take him out in the open with the assassins still on the loose. Feng Yuansheng continued to work, keeping a watchful eye on Yun Cheng as he typed away on his computer.

Yun Cheng sat up from the sofa and looked up at Feng Yuansheng. "Third Uncle, when can we go see my pretty sister?" he asked, his eyes wide and innocent.

Feng Yuansheng sighed putting the file down on the table. "It's not safe right now," he explained, trying to sound as gentle as possible.

Yun Cheng's lower lip quivered and his eyes began to fill with tears. "But you promised," he whispered, his voice cracking.

Feng Yuansheng felt a pang of guilt in his chest. He had promised his nephew that they would visit his sister after returning from Country A, however the danger was not over. "I know. We'll go as soon as it's safe," he reassured him.

Yun Cheng sniffled and wiped his eyes with the back of his hand. "Okay," he said, still sounding disappointed but slightly comforted by his uncle's words.

At that moment, the door opened and Secretary Li Ming in walked, his footsteps soft and almost imperceptible. He approached his boss, and leaned in to whisper something into his ear. Feng Yuansheng listened attentively, his expression giving nothing away.

After a few moments, Feng Yuansheng's lips curved into a small, almost unnoticeable smile. He looked up at Yun Cheng, who was lounging on the sofa, and spoke in a soft voice. "Looks like you will be able to meet your Pretty Sister soon," he said.

At the sound of this news, Yun Cheng's eyes widened with excitement and he sat up straight on the sofa, his attention completely focused on his Third Uncle. "Really, Third Uncle?" he exclaimed; his voice filled with hope. "We can go see my pretty sister?"

Feng Yuansheng nodded, confirming the good news. "Yes, Pretty Sister is here in the city," he replied. "We can go over to say hello."

Yun Cheng could hardly contain his joy at the thought of seeing his beloved sister. He eagerly nodded his head and beamed up at Feng Yuansheng. "Thank you, Third Uncle," he said gratefully, sinking back into the sofa with a contented sigh. The disappointment he had felt earlier was forgotten, replaced with a deep sense of anticipation and excitement for the reunion that lay ahead.


The plane had just landed, and Jiang Yan and her assistant Ling Meili came out of the airport. Ling Meili was bouncing all the way, excited to be in the capital for the first time. Jiang Yan smiled, happy to see her assistant's enthusiasm.

She took out her phone to call a cab, but before she could, she felt someone attack her with a hug from behind. Jiang Yan nearly fell down, but she steadied herself and turned around to see who it was.

Jiang Yan smiled and hugged Hua Mei back. " Mei! What a surprise."

"I couldn't miss the chance to meet you in person," Hua Mei replied with a grin. "You look even more beautiful in real life!"

Jiang Yan laughed. "Thank you! It's nice to hear that."

Hua Mei then asked, "So, have you changed your mind about becoming my model yet?"

Jiang Yan shook her head helplessly. "Sorry, Hua Mei, You know I'm not interested in modeling."

Hua Mei pouted but quickly recovered. "Well, it was worth a try. Maybe someday you'll change your mind."

Jiang Yan shook her head and then introduced Ling Meili to Hua Mei.

"This is my assistant, Ling Meili," she said, gesturing towards her. "Ling Meili, this is Hua Mei, one of the top Fashion Designer in the country and my business partner."

Ling Meili looked a bit starstruck, recognising Hua Mei. She managed to smile and say, "It's nice to meet you, Ms. Hua."

"Nice to meet you, Ling Meili," Hua Mei greeted her warmly. "Jiang Yan speaks very highly of you. Who knows, maybe I'll have to snatch you up as my assistant someday!"

Ling Meili giggled at the idea.

Hua Mei turned to Jiang Yan, "Let me send you to your hotel and after that I can show you around. There are so many great places to visit and eat in the city!"

Jiang Yan paused for a moment and then smiled, "Sure, that sounds great. Thank you, Hua Mei." She already knew the city like the back of her hand, but of course she cannot say that to her.

Hua Mei beamed with excitement and hailed a taxi for them. During the ride, Hua Mei kept talking about her favourite places and restaurants in the city while Ling Meili listened attentively and made mental notes.

As they arrived at the hotel, Hua Mei helped Jiang Yan with her luggage and gave her a warm hug, "Have a good rest and we will meet tomorrow morning at the lobby."

Jiang Yan nodded and watched as Hua Mei left. As she entered her room, Jiang Yan felt a sense of relief and exhaustion. She had a long day ahead of her tomorrow, but she was also looking forward to it. She smiled to herself, feeling grateful for the opportunities and experiences that came her way.


As the sun began to dip below the horizon, Du Hong and Sister Lin Yiyun were eagerly awaiting Long Lei's return to the apartment. They knew he had received a distressing call earlier in the day and were concerned about how it would affect his mood.

Finally, they heard the sound of the door creaking open, and Long Lei entered the room, his face contorted with frustration. "What do you want?" he snapped at Sister Lin Yiyun as she approached him. "I know it was you who called my Second Uncle."

Sister Lin Yiyun's face fell, guilt written all over her features. "I'm sorry, Long Lei. I had no other option. I was just worried about you," she said, her voice barely above a whisper.

Long Lei let out a snort of disbelief. "Worried about me? You were only worried about your job," he spat, shoving past her to collapse onto the couch.

Sister Lin Yiyun looked disappointed, unsure of what to do next. As his manager, nobody knew better than her how much this career means to Long Lei, she couldn't let him ruin it, even if she is unhappy. Meanwhile, Du Hong watched from the sidelines, taking in the tense exchange between the two.

After a brief pause, Sister Lin Yiyun approached Long Lei once more, this time in an authoritative tone. "Long Lei, we need to go to the company tomorrow. You should get some rest," she suggested.

Long Lei ignored her, his focus fixed on the game he was playing on his phone. Sister Lin Yiyun let out a deep sigh, recognizing that there was no point in pushing him when he was in this state.

She turned to Du Hong. "I am leaving," she said, "Make sure he sleeps tonight and he is ready tomorrow on time for the meeting."

After that Long Lei heard the sound of the door closing as Sister Lin Yiyun left the apartment. Long Lei's frustration boiled over. With a yell of anger, he flung his phone across the room, shattering it into countless pieces. In that moment, he felt utterly powerless and alone, overwhelmed by the weight of his emotions.
