Chapter 49: The Banquet (IV)

Jiang Yixuan was not the only one who had noticed Jiang Yan's presence at the banquet. Other members of the Jiang family had also seen her entering with Tian Jun. Liu Nihua, who was holding Old Madam Jiang's arm, softly whispered to her that Jiang Yan had joined in the celebration.


Old Madam Jiang's face twisted in anger at the sight of Jiang Yan. But in the presence of Old Master Jiang, she decided to keep quiet and not cause a scene.


Elsewhere in the ballroom, Jiang Zhirui, Jiang Yan's paternal uncle, and a group of other family members had also spotted Jiang Yan. With a smirk on his face, Jiang Zhirui walked confidently towards Jiang Yan, who was standing alone in a corner.


"Well, well, well, look who decided to show up," Jiang Zhirui said with a hint of sarcasm in his voice.


Jiang Yan turned to face him, her expression stoic. "Hello, First Master," she greeted him coolly.