Chapter 94: Looks like a Male Model

Hua Mei sat behind the wheel, a smile of excitement playing on her lips. It was the first day of college for Jiang Yan, who had been absent for the past three days due to her accident. Hua Mei couldn't contain her enthusiasm when she received a call from Jiang Yan that morning, asking if she could be dropped off at the university. The opportunity was too good to pass up. It's not everyday Jiang Yan ask for a favour.


As they drove towards the university, Hua Mei stole glances at Jiang Yan. Her friend looked radiant, as if the recent challenges had only enhanced her natural beauty. Hua Mei couldn't help but feel a sense of pride in accompanying such a gorgeous woman.


"It's great to have you back, Yan Yan," Hua Mei said, her voice filled with genuine happiness.


Jiang Yan smiled softly, her eyes reflecting a mixture of gratitude and determination. "Thank you, Mei Mei. I missed being out. Today feels like a fresh start."