150 *do not read*

Jiang Yan entered the house and greeted the family members. Madam Tian, who was sitting in the living room, stood up as soon as she saw Jiang Yan and walked towards her.

"Where were you all day? Why didn't you tell me where you were going?" Madam Tian asked in an angry tone.

Jiang Yan remained calm and replied, "I went out to do some shopping, I didn't think it was necessary to inform you."

Madam Tian's face turned red with anger. "How dare you talk back to me like that! You should have informed me before leaving the house. You are still a young girl and you should learn to respect your elders," she scolded.

Jiang Yan simply ignored her and walked past her towards her room. Madam Tian followed her, still shouting. "Don't you dare ignore me! You are disrespecting me and this family. You will be punished for this!"