The morning sunlight filtered through the classroom windows as Jiang Yan entered, observing her fellow students engaged in animated conversations and movements. She gracefully settled into her seat beside Su Yin, curiosity lighting up her eyes. "Yinyin, what's all the buzz about?" she asked softly.

Su Yin's face lit up with enthusiasm as she turned to Jiang Yan. "Oh, Yan Yan, you won't believe it! There's a special event the college is organising in two weeks, and some of our top alumni will be coming to give speeches. Our class is going to perform that day. They are preparing for that."

Jiang Yan nodded and then pulled out her, engrossed in her work. Ling Meili had sent some documents to be approved for the upcoming launch. It was needed to be done before tonight. Fortunately, the day's first class had been postponed due to Professor Shen's urgent work, granting the students an unexpected break. Giving Jiang Yan more time to go through those document.