In the opulent Feng residence, a sense of anticipation hung in the air as Military Doctor Han conducted a check-up on Yang Xiaoli. Major General Feng Yuanshuai stood silently behind, observing with a mix of concern and hope. Two days had passed, and Xiaoli's condition showed no signs of improvement. Her personal doctor, a retired military officer who was currently abroad, had sent his direct junior and student to attend to her.

"Major General Feng, I need to run some tests on Madam Feng to assess her condition," Doctor Han calmly explained.

Feng Yuanshuai nodded in acknowledgment. Just as Doctor Han began the examination, his phone buzzed urgently. Excusing himself, Feng Yuanshuai stepped out to take the call, his mind already consumed by military matters.

On the other end of the line, a voice spoke with an unsettling tone. "Hello? Major General Feng?"

"Speak!" Feng Yuanshuai responded.