Days passed, yet Sister Lin persevered in her quest to find the culprit. Despite Long Lei's resignation, she felt a moral obligation to uncover the truth and deliver justice. But all her diligent efforts were in vain. No matter how hard she tried, there were no clues to be found. Reluctantly, she decided to temporarily postpone her investigation until her working hours at the company were over.


Upon entering the company, Sister Lin was promptly informed by a staff member that Director Kang urgently summoned her to his office. As she stepped into the cabin, her eyes fell upon Director Kang, sitting in his chair with an uncharacteristically jubilant expression. Noticing a young man engrossed in his phone on the couch, oblivious to his surroundings, she couldn't help but wonder.


"Sister Lin, how are you holding up?" Director Kang's voice carried a trace of concern.