Something interesting

Walking out of the infirmary, the group trailed behind Daniel. 

The silence enveloped the atmosphere, broken by the sound of harsh breathing echoing through the silent corridor and the thunderous echoes of multiple footsteps pounding against the hard metal floor, tugging at their heartstrings. 

They looked cautiously at Daniel, who was giving off the vibe of exploding at any given moment. 

Elsa and Lina, the two girls, were still sobbing, wrapped in Tracy's vines. 


A sudden deafening sound of an explosion echoed through the air, shaking the entire stadium and throwing them off balance. 

Noah propped the sleeping Ryan on his back, feeling gloomy frowning, knowing he couldn't protect Ryan if anything happened. 


A succession of explosions followed, creating a cacophony that threw them off balance. It was getting harder to move forward. 

Everyone was mentally and physically drained and exhausted.