A monster

Trowing Shoyo's body high up and kicking the ground half-heartedly, Amera caught his body mid-air and started to repeat the process, jumping from one building to the next, sometimes skipping multiple buildings all at once.

Ah-- Help_

A sudden cry jolted Amera in place; it was faint, weak, and fragile, and no, it wasn't Shoyo, who was looking like he was about to vomit his yesterday's three meals all at once.

Amera looked back; the source of the scream came from the place they had been just a moment ago in the central city.

The busiest district in the city is also the place where the wealthiest people in the country mostly live. Not far off were the presidential house and the parliament headquarters, where the entire judiciary system workers resided. It was the heart of the capital.

"Most certainly, the police and the military would be focused on protecting that place," Amera thought to herself.

Beep—! Beep—!