Fake identity [2]

"What is your name?"

"Ryan Cassier."

"What is its origin."

"..." Ryan was silent for a while, feeling a light press on his shoulder.

He finally decided to tell the truth and said, "My great great great great great great grandfather was an orphan with no name. He used to work as a locker builder, so they called him Casier but when registering that as his last name, the government misspelled it and wrote Cassier instead."


"It also means locker, just in another language," Ryan explained.

Tap- Tap- Tap-

"Everything you said now is correct," Tapping on the table, the soldier smiled in approval, looking through Ryan's phone, he asked, "According to the information given, you have been adopted by an old man to be his grandson, is that true?"

"Hmm," Ryan hummed in response.

"I need a clear verbal answer."

"Was adopted to be a puppet is more like the ideal explanation."