Destiny's wrong doing


Exhaling, turbid air escaped Theodore's mouth as his grip on his chest intensified.

The loud explosions and bullets falling on the guests filled the space, and people were not able to protect themselves from the onslaught of attacks as they realized in horror the crushing difference in power scale.

Thousands, if not nearly a hundred thousand of people, stood from their seats, pointing guns at them with expressionless faces.

Bullets that could kill a blue whale in one go fell from everywhere in all directions.

Those that flew his way were skipped and bounced off by a shield he erected to protect himself.

Those who held their wine in contempt just a moment ago clung to Theodore's leg desperately for protection to no avail.

The most powerful man in the country betrayed them.

It was as if blood had stunned him in place. He was too scared to move.

He wasn't strong enough to stand straight.

Too cowardly to look up.