Let's go back home

"GRANDPA ROHAN. Tsk, don't cut me off like that," Eddie made a gesture as if complaining. However, there was a big grin on his face. "Hearthless grandpa, killing me in one go."

""Hey, my uncle-looking grandpa, C-O-M-E over her for my B-U-T-T." Biting his nail, Kevin said with his finger in his mouth, wiggling his butt seductively.

"Pfftt_" Amanda laughed out loud, slapping her thighs with full force, "The look on Ryan's eyes at the time was priceless."

"Hahaha." Soon after, they all started to laugh, and Dunn couldn't muffle his chuckle anymore. They were each laughing hysterically.

"Nah, but I got to admit." Wrapping his arms around Steve's shoulder, Kevin nudged his cheeks playfully, "Your impersonation of Damion's character was impeccable."

"Yes, exactly what Damion would say. But the greatest actor was that mirror. It is certainly durable if that face doesn't crack it." Tracy smirked.