What's the plan?

Like a knife cutting through butter, the creature's tail came swinging towards Ryan. It was so fast that only a blur could be seen. The way the tail curled in the air, as well as the sound that it produced as it moved, reminded him of a whip.

Ryan narrowly avoided the tail.

Thereafter, without skipping a beat, he shot forward like a bullet and aimed toward the left side of the scale-like creature.

Doing a backflip in the air, a couple of meters above the scale, he skillfully dodged the beast's tail that was trashing the ground below in a frenzied state.

Without hesitation, twisting his body in the air in a timely manner, his foot perfectly landed on the tip of its head, and subsequently, he propelled his body downwards with his hand aimed towards the skull of the scale. He pushed it sideways, causing the creature to be devoured by a larger monster, and trampled on.
