

Putting the weird-shaped flower aside, Amelia sneezed and took a glass container from her bag, putting it in.

The cute rabbit bag was installed with an internal machine that made it possible to resize the objects within and even the bag itself.

"Hmmm ahh, ara ah ah, da ra ra ro ri," humming a cheerful melody, Amelia looked around and then at the list of plans she needed to gather.

The whip had long made a barrier around her, hence she wasn't able to see the commotion outside.

With monsters getting dissected in the blink of an eye and her classmates running toward the edges, she was oblivious to them all.

She did not even see the dome that Ryan had made, so when she looked up and saw a large hole in the ground, its diameter formed only ten feet away from where she stood and expanded outward to the other side of the dungeon.

Amelia was shocked.