Let go

Amelia drummed on the table nervously, waiting for Josh to show up for lunch; otherwise, she would be starved for today, which she felt would be more torturous than spending time with Josh.

She looked around, and in the luxury room with mostly flowers and a medium-sized table to eat, her maids stood in formation, surrounding her with unfeeling faces.

At least, they were now devoided of their previous hostility.

"I would have preferred staying with the children." She mumbled in such a low voice that her lips barely opened, her voice inaudible, not even by flies.

In fact, she was never planning to come back to Dorigan, even if it meant separating from Ryan and the girls, but due to her deal with Lucas back then when she was caught at first, which included that he would return her to the castle and heal Ryan on the condition she would attend Yarden Academy.