Searing in pain

"You were given a choice, Astin Buer."

The holy emperor of the human race stood tall.

In spite of the fact that 90% of the human race had been extinguished, he yet had the hope of saving what little was left of humanity.

The only emperor that ruled whatever was left of humanity, which his grandfather and father had managed to keep alive with no heirs, had prayed to the gods and exhausted his life span to create a weapon strong enough to finish off the beastmen king.

Rynhardt Alostor Urgiusus, at the age of 23, had died rooted in place, the same place he beheaded the enemy that fought to kill his people.

Ryan closed his eyes into darkness the moment the emperor's eyes closed, but the next time his eyes opened, he changed bodies once again.

He had become a…

A headless corpse.


Just as everyone was feeling a tad bit relieved that the war was about to come to an end,

The two armies stared at each other in apprehension.