Blame yourself for it!

Song Hu's stubborn façade crumbled as he quickly gave in to Zhang Wei's demands.

He frantically signaled to his goons to toss their weapons aside and retreat, their eyes darting around nervously.

The red scorpion gang members, however, seemed reluctant to follow their boss's orders.

They exchanged disapproving glances and muttered under their breath before begrudgingly stepping back.

Zhang Wei, a master of reading people, couldn't help but notice Song Hu's lack of true authority.

There was a subtle shift in his demeanor that betrayed his tenuous hold over the red scorpion gang.

As he studied Song Hu's demeanor, he felt a gnawing suspicion that there was someone else behind the scenes pulling the strings.

It didn't take long for him to conclude that the true mastermind behind the red scorpion gang was none other than the head honcho of the Song family.