Leng Yan woke up (1)

Zhang Wei's gaze finally fell on Yu Lei, and as she saw him walking towards her, she instinctively backed away. 'Z-Zhang Wei?' she stuttered, looking around and muttering his name under her breath.

But there was no escape. Yu Lei was met with an obstruction, and she couldn't back away any further.

She struggled to recognize the person in front of her, drenched in blood and looking nothing like the Zhang Wei she knew.

Shock and extreme fear gripped her, and she felt like she was in a nightmare from which she couldn't wake up.

There was a small voice inside her, urging her to deny the reality that Zhang Wei could be capable of killing so many people in such a gruesome manner.

But the evidence was right in front of her, and there was no denying it. She could smell the metallic scent of blood and see the twisted expressions of the dead bodies around her.

This was no dream - this was her worst nightmare come true.

And now this Nightmare was approaching her...